
Emerging Engineers Leadership Program


Emerging Engineers Leadership Program

On this page

The Emerging Engineers Leadership Program (EELP) supports the development of rising young engineering talent. 

Built for engineers with three - six years' experience, the EELP program is designed to bridge the gap between graduate capability and the Chartered credential.

The eight-month program consists of seven core modules selected to build the professional skills, business acumen and independent practice early career engineers need to become a Chartered Engineer. Increasing their value in the workplace and empowering them to springboard into more senior roles. 

On completion of the program, participants will earn recognition in the form of a digital badge and have built a portfolio of evidence for their CPD log for when they commence their application for Chartered status.



EA member: $3,560 ex GST
Non-member: $4,095 ex GST

Next intake

6 September 2024


8 months

Customisation available

This program can be delivered exclusively for organisations with 10+ participants. You choose the modules, duration, and dates.

Is this program for you?

This program is available for individual engineers with three to six years' work experience or organisations employing this cohort.

For organisations looking to upskill graduate engineers, visit the Graduate Program page.

For organisations looking to understand their engineering workforce capability, visit the Engineering Skills Framework page.

How it works

This seven module program contains 48 hours of learning through interactive virtual workshops, self-paced courses and Engineers Australia micro-credentials with built-in learning and assessment.

Program outline
  • This seven-module program contains 48 learning hours
  • These modules are designed to be completed sequentially

Duration: 45 minutes

Delivery: Facilitator-led virtual workshop

Delivery: Online self-paced 8 hours  

Topics we’ll cover:  

  • Introduction to risk management and safety

  • Drivers for risk management 

  • Legislation, standards and codes of practice 

  • Consequences of poor risk management 

  • Designer responsibilities 

  • Risk evaluation and mitigation 

  • Risk analysis 

  • Documentation 

Delivery: Facilitator-led virtual workshop, 4 hours 

Topics we’ll cover: 

  • The principles of negotiation 

  • The elements of successful and unsuccessful negotiations 

  • Five steps for preparing for a negotiation 

  • Negotiation case studies 

  • Practical activity - conducting a negotiation 

  • Tips and tactics for distributive and integrative negotiations 

  • Four negotiation styles - how to tailor your approach for different styles 

  • Dealing with challenges in negotiations 

  • Factors that get in the way of good negotiation 

  • Influencing tools and strategies 

  • A conflict management approach to negotiations. 

Delivery: Online self-paced, 8 hours and  9+ hours preparing and completing your assessment.  

Topics we’ll cover: 

  • Understanding risk  

  • Risk management standards  

  • Legal requirements and governance  

  • Risk framework  

  • Risk process  

  • Risk tools and techniques  

  • Risk mitigation  

  • Communicating with stakeholders 

For more information about this micro-credential 

Duration: 1 hour

Delivery: Facilitator-led virtual workshop

Topics we’ll cover: 

  • What is the Micro-credential assessment and why you need to complete it
  • How to prepare for and submit your assessment
  • Micro-credential criteria and how to address this
  • The evidence and examples you need to include to demonstrate your capability
  • How to prepare and complete your video submission 

Delivery: Facilitator-led virtual workshop, 2 x 4 hour sessions 

Topics we’ll cover:  

  • Key steps involved in writing effective technical documents  

  • Analysing audience and purpose to write tailored copy and use appropriate tone  

  • Organising information using planning methods 

  • Writing with clarity and impact  

  • Optimising layout  

  • How to review and proofread for quality 

Delivery: Facilitator-led virtual workshop, 4 hours, and online self-paced learning, 4 hours. In addition, 9+ hours preparing and completing your assessment.  

Topics we’ll cover: 

  • What does ethics mean?  

  • Distinguishing ethical and legal obligations  

  • Understanding your own ethical perspective  

  • Identifying and analysing ethical dilemmas  

  • Developing a framework for ethical decision-making 

For more information on this micro-credential

Delivery: Facilitator-led virtual workshop, 4 hours 

Topics we’ll cover: 

  • The role of the leader 

  • What is leadership and management 

  • The leadership pipeline - the leaders journey from team leader to middle to executive 

  • The key elements of employee engagement and the leaders role 

  • Foundational leadership skills of growing and developing others - coaching and feedback 

  • Skills practice in coaching using the GROW model 

  • Skills practice in giving feedback using two different models 

  • Understanding 'above the line' behaviours and how to stay above the line as a leader 

  • Your ongoing professional development as a leader 

Delivery: Online self-paced 8 hours 

Topics we’ll cover: 

  • Introduction to law  

  • Contracts and elements of a binding agreement 

  • Contractual concepts and remedies for breach of contract 

  • Disclosure in contracting and your obligation not to be misleading or deceptive 

Duration: 1 hour

Delivery: Facilitator-led virtual workshop

Topics we’ll cover:

  • What it means to be a chartered engineer
  • Why get chartered
  • How to get chartered
  • Preparing for, and starting, the application process

Duration: 45 minutes

Delivery: Facilitator-led virtual workshop 

Towards Chartered

Towards Chartered

Take this course to build skills and knowledge in the following Engineers Australia Chartered status competencies*:

1. Dealing with ethical issues
2. Practice competency
4. Deliver safe and sustainable solutions
6. Risk management
13. Local engineering knowledge

Learn more about Chartered Status.

*Completing this course does not automatically guarantee you a competency. However, you will gain the base knowledge you need to develop these specific Chartered competencies.