Towards Chartered Status

Earn your status as a Chartered engineer.  See the standard you’ve reached and be recognised by your peers.

Towards Chartered Status

Earn your status as a Chartered engineer.  See the standard you’ve reached and be recognised by your peers.

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The Chartered credential

Engineers Australia’s Chartered Status credential is awarded to engineers who demonstrate internationally benchmarked standards of expertise, professionalism and safety. It is a mark that is globally recognised by the community, industry and government.

Becoming Chartered involves providing (and then maintaining) competency in four core areas: Personal Commitment, Obligation to community, Value in the workplace, and Technical proficiency.

Engineering Education Australia can help you master the skills and knowledge required to develop the Chartered competencies through our extensive range of courses.*

*Completing an Engineering Education Australia course does not automatically guarantee a competency. The course provides underpinning skills that may contribute towards developing a Stage 2 Competency. 

Available courses

Courses offered by Engineering Education Australia that link to Chartered competencies are categorised under 16 competency types that are divided into their respective core competency areas below.

Personal commitment

Courses that provide underpinning skills that may contribute towards developing this competency include:

As well as:


Courses that provide underpinning skills that may contribute towards developing this competency include:


Courses that provide underpinning skills that may contribute towards developing this competency include:


Obligation to the community

Value in the workplace

Courses that provide underpinning skills that may contribute towards developing this competency include:


Technical proficiency

Courses that provide underpinning skills that may contribute towards developing this competency include:

Courses that provide underpinning skills that may contribute towards developing this competency include:


For more information about the Chartered Status credential, visit the Engineers Australia website

Developing quality courses with our industry partners