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New partnership focuses on energy and power management best practice

Engineering Education Australia has partnered with Schneider Electric to deliver a new range of energy and power management training courses

Start Well, Finish Well: Minimising Project Risks with Well-Designed Temporary Works

All too often, temporary works on construction sites don’t get the same level of consideration as permanent works. Here are a

Get to know your facilitator – Jeanette Learmont

Jeanette Learmont BA (Hons) Med (Hons) specialises in communication skills, is the Director of Wordsworth Effective Communications Pty Ltd, and

Get to know your facilitator – Richard Robinson

Richard Robinson is a due diligence engineer and facilitates a range of workshops at EEA, most notably Engineering Due Diligence

5 tips to create clear and concise reports

“The most common mistake engineers make is that they approach writing as a single activity or task, and not a

5 key skills for transforming technical staff into effective leaders

While engineers often rise to management positions on the basis of their technical ability, this career route often leaves them

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